Why Habit Traffic
If you’re like I am, you have lots of different things you want to do. I want to practice Spanish every day. I want to meditate 3 times every 9 days (3 times a week is too hard for me!) I want to limit sugary snacks to 3 a week. I want to learn guitar 5 times a month …
There are LOTS of wonderful habit tracking apps. The problem I’ve found is that they help me track them beautifully, but they don’;t show me anything that helps me actually DO them!
The Traffic Light
The Habit Traffic light system analyzes your progress along with your user-defined goals and provides actionable status updates.
The green icon means: “On Track”
You’re progressing at the right pace. For example, if your goal is “Read 4 books this month” and you’ve read 2 books with half the month remaining, you’re right where you need to be.
Yellow means “Time to Focus” – You’re slightly behind but can still catch up. If you need to exercise 3 times this week and haven’t started by Wednesday, you’ll see yellow as a gentle reminder to prioritize this habit.
Red means “Needs Attention” – Immediate action needed. When you’ve set a goal to “Practice piano 12 times this month” but have only practiced twice with exactly 10 days left, the habit has a red status.